Meet Silvia
Three- time Grant Recipient since 2021
Three- time Grant Recipient since 2021
What does the New York Cancer Foundation mean to Silvia?
"I am a retired translator-English-Spanish. I'm divorced, no children, no siblings. All my relatives are in Argentina. New York City has been my beloved adoptive home for 49 years. But things changed when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in late 2020. The long and frightening treatment with mastectomy followed, during the isolation of the pandemic. The medical bills, so many, fell over my small budget- besides struggling with rent and basic expenses, all beyond the limited insurance. I am also a writer of novels and short stories and yet I do not have enough words to express my gratitude to the New York Cancer Foundation for the generous support. Not only financially, which was so very needed, but also the kindness, the warmth of the ladies of the foundation, with whom I talked on the phone so many times. They made me feel I was not alone. Not enough words. Only a big "Thank you" from the deepest of my heart. What you do for those of us struggling with cancer and a limited budget is a blessing beyond description. "